You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.-Psalm 16:11
I have been quite unfaithful in keeping this blog updated. I will try to do better. Naturally, a lot of things have changed since I last wrote, so I shall attempt to make these all known. In short, I have changed my major, dropped a class, felt serious financial strain, and learned a lot about my ability (or lack of ability) to be flexible, available, and teachable. (FAT!) At the same time, I have had wonderful experiences with my family and friends, old and new.
Academically this semester has been challenging. I began with 6 classes but they only amounted to 16 units. My Biochemistry class was most definitely an eye opener. It really made me question my sanity and reasoning. Why did I choose a major which is founded mostly on the subject in which I am least capable? Good question! Needless to say I found myself struggling for breath under a sea of science books. (Which are now for sale by the way if you would like them!) I couldn’t believe that the first class that would go toward my major could cause me such grief and the knowledge of the others to come was enough to send me running to my advisor. I am now in the group of “undeclared” college students. This has been an unexpected roadblock; I have yet to find an appropriate detour. All I can do right now is to surrender the steering wheel to the Lord. Each time I try to take over I am blindsided and humbled, without His direction I am lost.
I am listening to music while writing this and the song that just began to play perfectly captures my heart! I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Here are the lyrics:
Speak in this close communion
Though this hour seems timeless still
I wait for your words that bid me come
Breathe in me, Holy Spirit
The will when my tomorrow comes
To follow when this song is gone
So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say
Shape me with words of wisdom
Free my torn heart from this world
Renew my mind and form my will
Teach me to wholly offer
More than words that I can sing
So I become the song I bring
So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say
Speak in this close communion
Though this hour seems timeless still
I wait for your words that bid me come
Breathe in me, Holy Spirit
The will when my tomorrow comes
To follow when this song is gone
So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say
So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say
Can I be an instrument of praise
And here pursue your heart
So my life will tell of who you are
Can I be a channel of your love
A reflection of your light
And live to bring you praise and serve you, Lord
So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say
“Words That You Say”
-Something Like Silas