It’s taken me much longer than I expected to combine my two lives, materially speaking. I got home around midnight on Saturday, May 16th and Monday morning I began my project of massive organization. Since I’m most likely going to be here at home for longer than a few months I don’t want to just box everything up to wait for the next time I move out. Therefore, my room has looked very much like a cyclone went through it for the last couple of days. I HATE it when there is so much stuff I can’t even move! I cannot function when my room is messy. I’m almost done with this, thank goodness!!
Currently, my mind is filled with concerns about finding a job. With this economy it is imperative that I have a job, but that is easier said than done. If you could keep that in your prayers I would appreciate it!
Currently, my mind is filled with concerns about finding a job. With this economy it is imperative that I have a job, but that is easier said than done. If you could keep that in your prayers I would appreciate it!