Thursday, May 21, 2009


It’s taken me much longer than I expected to combine my two lives, materially speaking. I got home around midnight on Saturday, May 16th and Monday morning I began my project of massive organization. Since I’m most likely going to be here at home for longer than a few months I don’t want to just box everything up to wait for the next time I move out. Therefore, my room has looked very much like a cyclone went through it for the last couple of days. I HATE it when there is so much stuff I can’t even move! I cannot function when my room is messy. I’m almost done with this, thank goodness!!
Currently, my mind is filled with concerns about finding a job. With this economy it is imperative that I have a job, but that is easier said than done. If you could keep that in your prayers I would appreciate it!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Goodbye Point Loma

Well, I just finished my freshman year at PLNU. I have no idea what lies ahead.
These are some strange emotions!!
Off to bed.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

I can't believe I'm putting this on my blog.

But I think it's really funny! :)

Improv Everywhere!

I've seen this dozens of times. . . and it never gets old! :) I hope you enjoy it.


I have been very unwilling to speak about any plans that I might have for my future because God has this little knack for changing them. :) I do think it is important, however, for me to relay some of the circumstances in which I find myself. I believe most of my family and friends know that I will not be returning to PLNU next fall. I have several reasons for this, here are some of them:
1. I cannot pay $33,000.00 a year. It’s just not going to happen.
2. I refuse to take out loans which will further inhibit my financial freedom later in life.
I am not against returning to PLNU at another time if God desires me to do so. I simply cannot see it as an option in my immidiate future.
I will be going home for summer! (I’ll take some college classes and get a job – hopefully!) As for next school year, I’m not really committed to anything at this point. I had really hoped and planned to live here in San Diego but as of right now, I do not have any solid plans for that to happen. I’ve been very much against going back to Victor Valley College, I really do NOT want to go there. However, I’ve spent a lot of time in prayer about this next year and I really want to be open to God’s plan instead of making my own. God knows of my desire to stay here in San Diego, I guess it just never occurred to me (until now) that God might be sending me to the very place I’ve been trying to get away from. (The High Desert.)
So my only solid plan as of right now is to go home on May 17th. After that it’s competely and totally up to God! I’m just along for the ride! Woohooo! :D


I'm sitting at work right now studying for finals. I have partially been looking forward to finals week because it means that my schedule has much more unstructured time than normal, which is kind of fun every now-and-then! Unfortunately, I believe I have already started loosing my mind due to excessive studying!
True Story:
This evening I decided to take a short nap before I got ready for work. I got in bed around 7:45pm. The next thing I remember, there was a loud noise coming from the door. I bolted out of bed and stared at the clock (with wild/panic stricken eyes) which read 8:36. Now to a perfectly sane mind, this makes perfect sense: I had been in bed for about 51 minutes. But apparently I was not in a state of sanity because I thought that I had slept through the night (and my graveyard shift at work) and had also missed my first final. This sent such an adrenalin rush through my body that I could no longer stand and I began shaking like a leaf. My roommate spent quite a while trying to persuade me that I really had only been in bed for an hour. When that realization finally hit me, I spent the next twenty minutes laughing off the rush of adrenalin.
In my opinion, this story makes a statement about the unbelievable pressure that is on college students to perform well on their finals! Minds just aren’t quite normal when they’re under this level of stress. In my personal case, I also realize it may not be in my best interest to watch murder mystery movies before I fall asleep either. Perhaps I shall take that into account next time.
I think That’s all for now!
P.S. There is a HUGE insect here in the welcome center. I can hear it flying around and bumping into things but I haven’t actually laid my eyes on it. Rest assured that if it happens to be another gigantic moth I will promptly evacuate this little cage of a building. That’s a promise.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I love this song


I've been such a slacker the last couple of weeks! I have not written one word, at least not physically. I write blogs in my head all the time but somehow they never materialize. This coming week is finals week and I'm dreading it like crazy. I just hate that feeling of never being as prepared as I should be. I never feel like I can study enough even though I spend hours and hours at it. I guess this is just part of college.
I've already started packing up and my room now looks like a hospital! It's way too white and cold. Sarah and I never realized how "lived-in" our stuff made it look but now that everything is off the walls it just seems so unfeeling. How sad is that!?
My mind has been full of lots of crazy things, most of which I can't write about at the moment. Prayer would be very much appreciated! I'll probably write again later when my brain is too full for studying. Until then. . .