Thursday, October 29, 2009


I traveled up to Chico this last weekend to take a look at CSU Chico. I absolutely LOVE it up there and cannot wait to go back. :-) I would love to write more about it but I'm actually quite sick and don't have much energy for writing. Here is a short video I put together of my time there.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Sometimes I feel like life has left me in the dust. I don't want to exist, I want to LIVE!
And not just for the future, but for the present.
This week I just existed.

One Down

I turned in my first college application tonight. Wow, let me rephrase that. . . I turned in my first college application tonight as an upper-division transfer student. Woa, I guess time does fly! It's shocking to think that after this semester I will have completed half the necessary requirements for a B.A.
I've changed and grown in so many ways since high school. I hope this rate of change doesn't continue for the rest of life because I find it exhausting! (Well, it is exciting too.)
Oh, yes. . . my new major = Liberal Arts with a Literature emphasis.
Goal = credential in single subject instruction.
I think God has finally pushed me over the edge. Apparently He has decided that the ONE career I refused to embark upon is the one that is best. . . at least for now.
Nutrition is still in my interests though, I plan to pursue that subject for the rest of my life. :-)

Monday, October 12, 2009


This summer I discovered the beauty of Netflix thanks to my online "Film as an Art Form" class. First, I explored different interpretations and adaptations of classic novels such as Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Emma, Mansfield Park and other, mostly British novels. It is quite fun to see how the same book can be interpreted differently and explored through an entirely different medium than text.

Recently, I've been interested in the many documentaries out there. I've been especially caught up by the documentaries that are based on the books by Lee Stroble. (Stroble is a Christian journalist who documented his journey from Atheism to Christianity based on solid evidence.) His documentaries include "The Case for a Creator,""The Case for Christ," and "The Case for Faith." I find that these documentaries are complimented by the recent "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" by Ben Stein.

I'm also quite excited to watch other documentaries about health such as "King Corn."

All in all I find that Netflix has opened up an entirely new world of discovery! It enables me to learn in a much faster way. It is such a discouraging thing to realize that one can read for an entire lifetime and still not read all the great novels, biographies, or informational works that are present in this world. At least Netflix has allowed me to expand my knowledge double-time.
( NO, I did not get paid to write this.) :-)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Road Trip Video

Well, I have had this video in a state of partial completion for quite some time. It's been sitting on my computer just waiting for the pictures from my cousin's camera. But I have decided that awaiting their arrival is futile as my cousin is quite busy and I'm sure has completely forgotten that the pictures even exist! Therefore, this is a semi-complete timeline of our road trip through the Midwest. And as I was the photographer, there are many sections which were not recorded because I found it difficult to operate a camera and a motor vehicle simultaneously. I know that it is a rough cut video, and that it is probably very boring for most people as it includes many road sequences. (Hence the term "road-trip") But I hope it is still fun to watch. I ended up cutting quite a few portions of the original video because got to be fairly lengthy. Unfortunately, it is still long but I found it hard to condense 4,000 miles into 8 and 1/2 minutes! :-)

I hope everyone enjoys it!

Much love,

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chin up!

Whoa! It sure has been a while! I guess I got out of the routine of writing but don’t worry I’ll reinstate it! Life is currently quite busy, in a good way. After the upsetting start of the semester, I’ve gotten involved with some extracurricular activities such as: Jr. High ministry at HDC, work at “The Island,” and I’m currently in the training process to become an AVID tutor at one of the local Jr. High schools. I’ve also been trying to spare time to help my grandparents move out of their house in Arrowhead. So that’s life in a nutshell. I don’t really have anything specific to write about tonight but I wanted to update my blog so that people don’t think I’m still drowning is self-pity; I’m not. :-)

Aurora and I all ready for 80's night at Jr. High "Tribes."