Thursday, December 9, 2010

Joy at All Times

This is so, so, so relevant.
“We must recognize that there is all the difference in the world between rejoicing and feeling happy. The Scripture tells us that we should always rejoice. Take the Lyrical Epistle of Paul to the Philippians where he says: 'Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice'. He goes on saying it. To rejoice is a command, yes, but there is all the difference in the world between rejoicing and being happy. You cannot make yourself happy, but you can make yourself rejoice, in the sense that you will always rejoice in the Lord. Happiness is something within ourselves, rejoicing is ‘in the Lord’. How important it is then, to draw the distinction between rejoicing in the Lord and feeling happy. Take the fourth chapter of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. There you will find that the great Apostle puts it all very plainly and clearly in that series of extraordinary contrasts which he makes: ‘We are troubled on every side . . . yet not distressed’, ‘we are perplexed . . . but not in despair’, ‘persecuted but not forsaken’, ‘cast down, but not destroyed’ – and so on. In other words the Apostle does not suggest a kind of happy person in a carnal sense, but he was still rejoicing. That is the difference between the two conditions.”

Written by Martin Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) and published in Hymns for the Family of God.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


{Inexpensive}wall decor, my latest artistic endeavor:
{And the Sepia tone gives it nice dimension, I think.}

Thursday, December 2, 2010

November's Reading List and Educational Update

November’s reading list is in a sorry state for I have not completed many of the books I started way back in October! {Frustration!} Instead, I read alternate material.  Before I introduce the two series’ that filled many hours this month, I must first explain that {in general} I spend a good deal of time in the home of my Aunt and Uncle.  And as they home school their youngest two daughters, I have been around during their school time.   This has influenced me to read literature from my youth! Now with that in mind, here is November’s reading list:

The Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder:
-Little House in the Big Woods
-Little House on the Prairie
-Farmer Boy
-Little House on Plumb Creek
-By the Shores of Silver Lake
-The Long Winter
-Little Town on the Prairie
-These Happy Golden Years
-The First Four Years

I grew up loving these books! I Think “These Happy Golden Years” was one of the first novels that I read {and liked} that included romance. ;-) It is interesting though, that I identified more with “Ma” in this reading of the first few novels. . . I suppose Ma wasn’t much older than I am now at the time of the series’ beginning. Crazy.

I’m also currently Reading Little House in Brookfield by Maria D. Wilkes which is based on Caroline Quiner {who grew up to be Laura’s “Ma.”}
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis are also on the list.  I read the first couple books in the series when I was young, but I’m revisiting them now.  I’ve also been listening to Focus on the Family’s radio drama of the series on my trips down to So Cal.  {They are very well done!} I’m currently reading the fifth installment of the series “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.”  I’ve heard that C.S. Lewis didn’t intend to parallel the Bible through these novels, but I can’t believe how many similarities there are still.

And lastly, I have continued to read Billy Graham’s Autobiography entitled “Just As I am.”

Now, I will diverge from the topic of reading material and move on to another topic that is currently relevant in my life: education. As most of my friends and family know, I’ve taken an alternate route in pursuit of higher education. My first year experience was at a Small Christian University, {which I would still attend if it didn’t cost a fortune and a half!} my second year experience was at the local Jr. College, and now my third year I’m up in Chico. And due to numerous complications with CA budget, transferrable general education courses, and service area requirements I was not accepted to CSU Chico for this fall semester. However, I WAS accepted for this coming spring! {yay!}

Things are really starting to look up. I’ll most likely be able to graduate in 3 semesters, which is GREAT. I’ve worked so hard to be ahead that it would be difficult to bear a delayed graduation. From there, I’ll most likely go to a graduate school somewhere . . . studying who-knows-what. But, it’s okay. The realization of God’s plan is going to be awesome.