Friday, July 29, 2011


I know, I’ve been absent for a while. Something about summer makes my creative writing abilities just go caput. I’ve been on a blogging break, but I’m hoping to ease myself back into this hobby that I love.
I’ll start by linking up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama and the (in)courage community for a five minute post.

The rules: write without worrying about anything. period.
The prompt: Still

ANDDDD begin:

I am a blessed one. I grew up in church. I have a loving and rather functional family. I went to church camp. And some of my family’s closest friends were met through church. My high school youth group was thriving and active during the years I was involved. I've had excellent spriritual guidance through college. In all, I’ve had an excellent spiritual foundation.

But I am still a sinner.
I still make bad choices.
I still have incorrect attitudes.
I’m still selfish.
And, I still mutter curses under my breath when someone makes me really mad on the freeway. *gasp*

Basically, I am still not perfect. And to be honest, I’m ashamed to admit that at one point in my life, I thought I would be able to attain perfection.

However, I know that despite my many failings, I still have value.
God can still use my measly little abilities to further His Kingdom.