Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vacation to Hume

Enjoy the video blog of my family's trip to Hume Lake!

(You will need to go to the bottom of the page and pause the music before watching.)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Welcome back to California my dear cousin! You have been missed.

Garrison Street

My study break included a trip to Garrison Street which is a "Christmas with the Kranks" style neighborhood! Christmas decorations can be found in every nook and cranny. I decided to break my vow to not blog until after finals just to post these pictures.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wrapping Up!

The end of my first semester of college is rapidly approaching. Can you believe it? I can! The only thing between me and my vacation is finals week. I don’t know if I should wish for it to be already behind me or for a few more weeks of study time, but no matter what . . . it is coming! This is just something I should get used to. I have a final every day except for Thursday, and I have two on Friday. Your prayers would be appreciated.
I’m also finding it completely difficult to buy gifts this year! I believe that my lack of success is due to the shuttle. *Sigh* what I wouldn’t give to have my own set of wheels and a full tank of gas down here. But obstacles build character right? Right! Please be understanding if I don’t have a gift for you right on Christmas because the odds are. . . I won’t.
I most likely won’t be updating this for the next week or so due to finals, so hang tight!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why Rush?

There have been two major thoughts running through my head for the last week. The first is my constant need to plan my life. I’m sure that to an extent that is healthy and normal, However, I find myself planning my life to a point where I hardly leave room for the Lord to work. Then when He does intervene I’m fairly disgruntled. I have never really suffered the effects of this before, and I’m convinced that this is a lesson that God has been teaching me during this time in my life. Planning to a certain extent can be helpful for future “success,” but the Lord often has a greater plan. Openness to His will is crucial in my personal relationship with Him. I can rest in peace knowing that my Creator cares enough to change my plans. His always turn out better.

The second issue that has been mercilessly consuming my thoughts is the whole concept of the End Times. My Bible class just spent the last week going over the book of Revelation. This has been so helpful to me; I now know what I don’t believe! The question is what do I believe? The class has given me opportunity and inspiration to dig deeper into the Word to find answers. In my research I have had a renewed passion for living wholly for the Lord’s glory. In the past I have heard sermons or been in discussions concerning the rapture and all that follows. To be honest the thought of being taken off this earth without accomplishing my goals has always sounded dreadful. (Yes, I’m talking about my plans again!) But in this phase of seeking God’s will I have found infinitely more peace and comfort in knowing that He is the ULTIMATE! How can living in this sinful world be more fulfilling than living with my creator? With Him I will be without hurt, without sin, and with all that is merciful, wonderful and beyond words.

The point of this blog (subtle huh?) is to explain the process my head and my heart have gone through in order to come to some form of conclusion. Unfortunately, I will probably learn this lesson over and over throughout my life. It’s good to know that the Lord is patient!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Welcoming the holidays

A family Christmas tradition: decorate, decorate, decorate, then enjoy the surroundings while drinking a glass of sparkling cider.

A Family Photo: minus 5 family members.
( My mom's side of the family)

Let the Holidays begin!! I have just come back home from a few days of Thanksgiving celebrations with my family. I’ll be heading back to school tomorrow morning. I am very much looking forward to the end of the semester, but I’m dreading the three weeks of work I still have to go through to get to it. The semester has gone so quickly! Yet, when I think of all the things I have learned and gone through I can hardly believe it has only been a semester.
This week I have had such a refreshing taste of tradition. I was able to spend time with many of the people who love me the most, know me the best, and who have guided me from infancy to womanhood. I see the impact family has made on my life. It is a blessing to have a strong (and LARGE) support system in my life.
I am so glad that it is once again the time of year when I can say:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Lighting experiment

Story time with Natalie:
One night this week, Felisha and I took a walk around campus and we ended up at the PBC. Note to self: empty stomach + PBC credit + pudding = inevitable high-calorie intake. After we managed to consumed a whole lot of chocolate pudding we decided that we should do some cardio workout to clear our consciences. (Good intentions; Bad result) After our lovely work out, we came across a well lit field where we decided to experiment with the camera lighting. So the pictures that follow are the results of this experiment. This may sound completely random and disconnected from the pictures themselves, but I hope you appreciate the art of them more by knowing the story behind their existence. Enjoy.


I have become (even more) obsessed with sunsets! Just know that it is even more beautiful in person. These pictures don't do it justice.

Indecision disorder

I have recently become increasingly irritated about my incapability to make on-the-spot decisions. I have diagnosed myself with an indecision disorder. For example, I walk into a Mexican food restaurant and I am presented with a list of options, I can narrow it down to about 4 choices: quesadilla, burrito, taco, or taco salad. It is at this point that my mind goes blank, or rather scrambles itself to the point of numbness. I create a list of pros and cons for each option: nutrition: go for the Salad, taste: burrito, amount of food: taco, etc. My mind just runs races before each decision!
The other day I was standing in line at the PBC (Point Break Café) letting customer after customer go ahead of me while I decided what to purchase. I became so irritated by this that I turned to Felisha (who had the grace to stand there with me while I embarrassed myself) and said “What is wrong with me!?” (Or something to that effect.) She then made a quick psycho-analytical judgment, because she is just that awesome, and said “Natalie, you treat every meal like it’s your last.” I was stupefied by the truth, so I walked up to the counter and without looking at the menu, ordered the first thing that came to my mind. I can’t even remember what it was now. Ever since then I have been baffled by this mental stupidity of mine.
So here is my conclusion of sorts: I have a controlling/ perfectionist problem. I am afraid of making a decision that may produce harmful effects, like extra poundage, because it would prove to me that I have weakness. So I have been doing a decision exercise. If I know I have a big decision ahead of me, I do the laborious task of listing pros and cons and evaluating the potential outcome of my decision before the crunch time. If I begin to waiver, I force myself to stick to the plan whether or not I want to do so. It has begun to pay off in simple ways, such as the ability to sleep for an extra 15 minutes because I have already decided what to wear in the morning.
Next time I walk into a Mexican food restaurant my order will be one burrito, or maybe a taco salad, I haven’t decided yet.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Be Still

I didn't realize how much time I would have on my hands without the biology class. This is probably a good thing because I would have been tempted to give up much earlier!

Everyday I'm struck with the beauty of this place. I live here! The Lord that created and controls this masterpiece loves me! I am in awe.
"Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
-Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.
-Psalm 16:11

I have been quite unfaithful in keeping this blog updated. I will try to do better. Naturally, a lot of things have changed since I last wrote, so I shall attempt to make these all known. In short, I have changed my major, dropped a class, felt serious financial strain, and learned a lot about my ability (or lack of ability) to be flexible, available, and teachable. (FAT!) At the same time, I have had wonderful experiences with my family and friends, old and new.

Academically this semester has been challenging. I began with 6 classes but they only amounted to 16 units. My Biochemistry class was most definitely an eye opener. It really made me question my sanity and reasoning. Why did I choose a major which is founded mostly on the subject in which I am least capable? Good question! Needless to say I found myself struggling for breath under a sea of science books. (Which are now for sale by the way if you would like them!) I couldn’t believe that the first class that would go toward my major could cause me such grief and the knowledge of the others to come was enough to send me running to my advisor. I am now in the group of “undeclared” college students. This has been an unexpected roadblock; I have yet to find an appropriate detour. All I can do right now is to surrender the steering wheel to the Lord. Each time I try to take over I am blindsided and humbled, without His direction I am lost.
I am listening to music while writing this and the song that just began to play perfectly captures my heart! I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Here are the lyrics:

Speak in this close communion
Though this hour seems timeless still
I wait for your words that bid me come
Breathe in me, Holy Spirit
The will when my tomorrow comes
To follow when this song is gone

So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say

Shape me with words of wisdom
Free my torn heart from this world
Renew my mind and form my will
Teach me to wholly offer
More than words that I can sing
So I become the song I bring

So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say

Speak in this close communion
Though this hour seems timeless still
I wait for your words that bid me come
Breathe in me, Holy Spirit
The will when my tomorrow comes
To follow when this song is gone
So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say
So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say
Can I be an instrument of praise
And here pursue your heart
So my life will tell of who you are
Can I be a channel of your love
A reflection of your light
And live to bring you praise and serve you, Lord
So I await the words that you say
I open my life
I am longing just to hear these words
That you say, that you say

“Words That You Say”
-Something Like Silas

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Life at Point Loma

It has been one week and 3 days since I moved down here to Point Loma. I've been so busy trying to get myself organized and doing homework that I have hardly been able to keep in touch with people.
I'm really enjoying everything!! I started my classes on Monday; I have New Testament History and religion, World Civilizations 2, Introduction to family and consumer sciences, Cell biology and Biochemistry, Masterpieces of World literature, and Fundamentals of food. They all require quite a bit of reading, so I have been learning a lot about prioritizing my time!
My room mate and I are getting along fabulously. We both love the Lord and Jane Austen, so that is a great foundation for friendship right there. :)
I also got an on campus job this week in the public safety department. I work as a dispatcher, which means that I answer phone calls concerning anything and everything. I also keep in touch with the on campus officers that are regularly patrolling the campus. So far I have really enjoyed it, so hopefully I will continue to like it.
This is my first update, and I hope to post stuff on here throughout the year.
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Dear Friends and Family,
I know how difficult it will be to keep in touch with everyone while I'm at college, so I'm hoping that this blog will help me out. I'm still unsure about what I will write about, if I will treat this as a diary-type blog, an informational blog or for intellectual/analytical posts. So I guess bear with me while I figure this all out! It may be a smattering of all those options.
Thank you all for your prayers and support! I really appreciate them.