There have been two major thoughts running through my head for the last week. The first is my constant need to plan my life. I’m sure that to an extent that is healthy and normal, However, I find myself planning my life to a point where I hardly leave room for the Lord to work. Then when He does intervene I’m fairly disgruntled. I have never really suffered the effects of this before, and I’m convinced that this is a lesson that God has been teaching me during this time in my life. Planning to a certain extent can be helpful for future “success,” but the Lord often has a greater plan. Openness to His will is crucial in my personal relationship with Him. I can rest in peace knowing that my Creator cares enough to change my plans. His always turn out better.
The second issue that has been mercilessly consuming my thoughts is the whole concept of the End Times. My Bible class just spent the last week going over the book of Revelation. This has been so helpful to me; I now know what I don’t believe! The question is what do I believe? The class has given me opportunity and inspiration to dig deeper into the Word to find answers. In my research I have had a renewed passion for living wholly for the Lord’s glory. In the past I have heard sermons or been in discussions concerning the rapture and all that follows. To be honest the thought of being taken off this earth without accomplishing my goals has always sounded dreadful. (Yes, I’m talking about my plans again!) But in this phase of seeking God’s will I have found infinitely more peace and comfort in knowing that He is the ULTIMATE! How can living in this sinful world be more fulfilling than living with my creator? With Him I will be without hurt, without sin, and with all that is merciful, wonderful and beyond words.
The point of this blog (subtle huh?) is to explain the process my head and my heart have gone through in order to come to some form of conclusion. Unfortunately, I will probably learn this lesson over and over throughout my life. It’s good to know that the Lord is patient!
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