Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
I’m currently reading What Is God Waiting For? Embracing The Divine Delays In Your Life by Marlinda Ireland and Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper. I would also like to find a novel to read in the near future so any suggestions are welcome!
This season I have found to be invaluable for my Christmas shopping! I don’t typically shop online, but these last few weeks have been frazzled and scattered thanks to the various commitments I’ve made. I have very nearly purchased all my Christmas gifts using the internet, however sacrilegious that may sound. The best part is they’re delivered right to my door. :-)
About two weeks ago, my computer practically exploded (In Natalie language that means that it got a virus.) and I lost all my pictures, music, and documents from this semester. What a disastrous event that was. I was amazed to find out how much I really do “store my treasure on earth” in the form of pixels and megapixels. So now I basically have a “tabula rasa” for a computer as I had to reset it to its original state and start from square one. I’m accepting donations in the form of email attachments with any fun pictures from the last year!
Here is one that I was able to salvage:
Monday, November 9, 2009
I believe that in giving the first tutorial I made a wonderful group of little enemies. The tutor training session made it very clear that AVID Tutors must maintain a certain amount of professional distance from the students in order to get the highest performance from the students. I am to be kind and caring, without succumbing to or allowing any of the antics which are prevalent among Jr. highers. I whole-heartedly agree with this method, yet, the application is a bit difficult. Of course I want them to like me! But alas, it is not to be, as I happened to lead the tutorial of students from the “in-crowd.” The sighs, eye rolling, and profanity were not what I expected to be welcomed with!
However difficult this endeavor may turn out to be, I feel like the Lord has me immersed in this age-group for a reason. Between tutoring and tribes I am completely surrounded by pre- and mid-pubescent children. I hope I will be able to make a positive impact on many of these hurting and troubled students.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Living Radically
Our culture enforces the antithesis of what the Bible encourages. How are children of God to follow in the wake of Jesus when such conflicting messages are bombarding them at every turn? Is the purpose of life to satisfy our gluttonous, lustful, rebellious selves? Absolutely not, yet that is what the world preaches. “Whatever feels good is right.” “Find your truth.”
This fact is bothersome because it hits so close to home. So often I want what is easiest, most convenient, and I want it now. I want answers to my questions now. I want to attain what others have and I want it fast.
This reoccurring theme of selfishness has so permeated the human race that it is not seen as wrong. It is acceptable and easy. Self-sacrifice and self-control are not valued. What a pity!
Application: this is where I always falter in my grand ideas and philosophies. Instead of pointing my finger at this obvious flaw in humanity I need to focus on how I should go about my life in a way that would make a difference. And that requires self-control and self-sacrifice. It certainly takes a great deal of faith to live in a way that is difficult especially when there is an easy way out: the world’s way.
“Then [Jesus] said to them all: ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’” (Luke 9:23)
Let us live radical lives for Christ and actually do what he commands of us! Let's "indulge" ourselves in the love of Christ by loving others and sacrificing our own comfort for the good of the Kingdom of God.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Love is a chance we should take
I remember when you were
So alive with your wide eyes
Then the light that you had in your heart was stolen
Now you say that it ain't worth stayin'
You wanna run but you're hesitatin'
I'm talkin' to me
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found
So when you get the chance
Are you gonna take it?
There's a really big world at your fingertips
And you know you have the chance to change it
There's a girl on the streets, she's cryin'
There's a man whose faith is dyin'
Love is calling you
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found
Why do we go with the flow
Or take an easier road?
Why are we playin' it safe?
Love came to show us the way
Love is a chance we should take
I'm movin' out of the way
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
(Stand out)
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
(Stand out)
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found
So when you get the chance
Are you gonna take it?
There's a really big world at your fingertips
And you know you have the chance to change it
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
One Down
Monday, October 12, 2009

( NO, I did not get paid to write this.) :-)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Road Trip Video
Well, I have had this video in a state of partial completion for quite some time. It's been sitting on my computer just waiting for the pictures from my cousin's camera. But I have decided that awaiting their arrival is futile as my cousin is quite busy and I'm sure has completely forgotten that the pictures even exist! Therefore, this is a semi-complete timeline of our road trip through the Midwest. And as I was the photographer, there are many sections which were not recorded because I found it difficult to operate a camera and a motor vehicle simultaneously. I know that it is a rough cut video, and that it is probably very boring for most people as it includes many road sequences. (Hence the term "road-trip") But I hope it is still fun to watch. I ended up cutting quite a few portions of the original video because got to be fairly lengthy. Unfortunately, it is still long but I found it hard to condense 4,000 miles into 8 and 1/2 minutes! :-)
I hope everyone enjoys it!
Much love,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Chin up!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Even though I’ve known that I’d be attending VVC this semester, it has really “hit me” now that it’s a reality. The reason for me staying home seemed so logical to me before, but now I am constantly trying to rework my decision. Hindsight is always 20/20 right? Life certainly does not go according to plan. I think that should be the theme of my blog as it seems that every few blogs I post have something to do with plans and expectations!
It’s hard to put raw emotions into written form, especially when it’s on the internet. Basically here is the gist of my life for the past week: I attend VVC. I’d rather not. I have applied for many jobs, none have worked out. I feel kind of lonely. I’m a little on the angry/discontent side even though I know that God has me here for a reason. I’m slowly learning that God really needs to be enough. I need to rely on Him first and foremost. :-)
Wow, this is great therapy! Thanks for reading my venting post.
Much love!
P.S. after a quick edit of this post I realize that 10% (I did the math) of the words used include some form of the word “I.” Ugh, perhaps (I) should work on being a little less concerned about (my)self!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Road-Trip! (Apple Valley -- Odessa, TX)
Along the way we have collected quite a variety of splattered insect intestines and have created a thorough video commentary to be published at a later time. We’ve also tried to document the every changing terrain. Some plants have been quite astonishing: a certain shrub that can be found thickly along the highway just south of Albuquerque is quite unique. When I was finally able to focus on these shrubs (during a lull in the usually excessive speed of a certain cousin of mine) I was able to discern that these plants are not shrubs at all! Instead, they are black cactus! Quite an astounding thing to realize! Perhaps this discovery means more to me because I was, at the time, quite trapped in the back of a Ford Focus.
Another discovery that was made by Autumn and I is this: breakdowns in communication are likely to occur after excessive amounts of time spent in such close quarters! A quick anecdote to prove my point: While discussing the stupidity of drug use I jokingly admitted to secretly doing meth in my “underground laboratory.” Unfortunately this phrase was taken as my “Undergrad Lavatory!” After we deciphered our communication error, we had a great cramp-inducing belly laugh. These communication flubs, among other things have been the source of many laughing spells which include snorting, eye-watering, and muscle spasms.
I am full of other comments but must refrain from writing more as it is now about 1am Texas time and my slave-driver cousin insists we leave by 8am. I have been taking many pictures and videos of the trip and hope to have a video posted shortly after I return home.
Much love to all my friends who are moving back to college this weekend!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Here's a challenge:
Try to do your homework while watching 9 children run around the house screaming, laughing, and slamming doors. (They're playing tag of course.)
If you manage to succeed please tell me how, that I may be able to emulate your technique.
I'll wager you'd find it difficult too.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A tribute to Blaise Pascal-
"Human beings must be known to be loved; but Divine beings must be loved to be known."
"It is good to be tired and wearied by the futile search after the true good, that we may stretch out our arms to the Redeemer."
"Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair."
On a more humorous note:
"Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself." :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
It's hard to blog at home!
My family went to mammoth for five days. It was beautiful and relaxing. You can check out pictures on facebook, or simply wait for the next video. (Who knows when that’ll be!?)
In two days, Felisha and I will find ourselves at Thousand Pines Christian Camp as Jr. High camp counselors. I’m very excited!!
I got my old job back at the Island coffee shop. =) Hooray!!
Summer has seemed to be as scattered as this post. I guess I’d better get used to it!
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Shack
This book is certainly a work of fiction; however, that fact was often forgotten as I fell in love with the reality of the characters and the connection that can be made between their humanity and my own. The main character named Mack is invited up to the shack where the last traces of his abducted daughter were found. There, he is met by God, to break through the politically correct, theological perceptions of God that Mack holds. While the book’s portrayal of God was revolutionizing to me, it also made me think about how God is so completely indescribable. If this perception and understanding of God can be created in a work of fiction in the mind of a human, then the thought of the reality of God blows me away! This God loves me: Unbelievable!!
Anyway, if you’re up for a good cry (or lots of them) and you want to fall more deeply in love with your Creator, read The Shack.
Currently reading:
Your Relationship With God: drawing closer to God every day, by Dr. Gary Smalley
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed By a Relentless God, by Francis Chan
Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
Up next:
Any or all works by George Verwer.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Currently, my mind is filled with concerns about finding a job. With this economy it is imperative that I have a job, but that is easier said than done. If you could keep that in your prayers I would appreciate it!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Goodbye Point Loma
These are some strange emotions!!
Off to bed.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Improv Everywhere!
I've seen this dozens of times. . . and it never gets old! :) I hope you enjoy it.
1. I cannot pay $33,000.00 a year. It’s just not going to happen.
2. I refuse to take out loans which will further inhibit my financial freedom later in life.
I am not against returning to PLNU at another time if God desires me to do so. I simply cannot see it as an option in my immidiate future.
I will be going home for summer! (I’ll take some college classes and get a job – hopefully!) As for next school year, I’m not really committed to anything at this point. I had really hoped and planned to live here in San Diego but as of right now, I do not have any solid plans for that to happen. I’ve been very much against going back to Victor Valley College, I really do NOT want to go there. However, I’ve spent a lot of time in prayer about this next year and I really want to be open to God’s plan instead of making my own. God knows of my desire to stay here in San Diego, I guess it just never occurred to me (until now) that God might be sending me to the very place I’ve been trying to get away from. (The High Desert.)
So my only solid plan as of right now is to go home on May 17th. After that it’s competely and totally up to God! I’m just along for the ride! Woohooo! :D
True Story:
This evening I decided to take a short nap before I got ready for work. I got in bed around 7:45pm. The next thing I remember, there was a loud noise coming from the door. I bolted out of bed and stared at the clock (with wild/panic stricken eyes) which read 8:36. Now to a perfectly sane mind, this makes perfect sense: I had been in bed for about 51 minutes. But apparently I was not in a state of sanity because I thought that I had slept through the night (and my graveyard shift at work) and had also missed my first final. This sent such an adrenalin rush through my body that I could no longer stand and I began shaking like a leaf. My roommate spent quite a while trying to persuade me that I really had only been in bed for an hour. When that realization finally hit me, I spent the next twenty minutes laughing off the rush of adrenalin.
In my opinion, this story makes a statement about the unbelievable pressure that is on college students to perform well on their finals! Minds just aren’t quite normal when they’re under this level of stress. In my personal case, I also realize it may not be in my best interest to watch murder mystery movies before I fall asleep either. Perhaps I shall take that into account next time.
I think That’s all for now!
P.S. There is a HUGE insect here in the welcome center. I can hear it flying around and bumping into things but I haven’t actually laid my eyes on it. Rest assured that if it happens to be another gigantic moth I will promptly evacuate this little cage of a building. That’s a promise.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I've already started packing up and my room now looks like a hospital! It's way too white and cold. Sarah and I never realized how "lived-in" our stuff made it look but now that everything is off the walls it just seems so unfeeling. How sad is that!?
My mind has been full of lots of crazy things, most of which I can't write about at the moment. Prayer would be very much appreciated! I'll probably write again later when my brain is too full for studying. Until then. . .
Thursday, April 16, 2009
(7)Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. (8) whoever does not love does not know God because God is love. (9) This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. (10) This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Oh the Joys
Of working for “Pub-Safe”:
I’ve been working for on-campus Public Safety for eight months now and I’d say it is one of the best on-campus jobs. Dispatch is especially conducive for college students because we are allowed to do homework while on duty. We can also listen to music as long as it is set as a respectful volume. It also combines the duties of reception and emergency response, so I now feel a little bit more qualified to apply for other reception jobs off campus. It also operates 24-7/365 which can be a good thing AND a bad thing. Good because the hours are very flexible with class schedules, bad because it means that you can’t just close it down when no one is available to work over breaks.
Public safety also has its quirks. I don’t know if any other job would put me in a situation where I needed to turn down marriage proposals at 1:00 in the morning! Yes, that happened. I don’t know of any other job that would force me to put up with screaming girls attempting to do Chinese fire drills at the stop sign. (Which doesn’t really work) And finally I don’t know of any other Job that would force me to create my own script: “Okay sir, you’re going to want to go up to the second stop sign, take a left and follow that around this loop here until you get to the parking structure on your left. Then you can walk to ______. No it’s not a long walk. Yes, left at the second stop sign. . . .No problem. . . Have a nice day!” I could go on and on about specifics of this job, but I'll just say that over all working at pub-safe has been a blessing this year even though it has gotten me into some interesting situations.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
March/April video
Video #3 of the semester. . . a new record!!
1. Turn off the music at the bottom of the page!
2. I know that most of the footage is super shaky. . . sorry about that!
3. Most of the people included in the video are from my hall.
4. Music: Mainstay -- "Story"
Friday, April 3, 2009
I should be doing homework but I'm blogging instead.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Time Management
Saturday, March 28, 2009
It's funny how. . .
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Implications of an overly active mind
I frequently have "what-if" moments where I am simply doing a normal every-day thing when out of nowhere I come up with a random and semi-plausible situation. For example: *I'm sitting at my desk, studying for my Human Development test (which is TOMORROW) and I suddenly hear a deep rumbling noise underground. I scream "EARTHQUAKE", grab my computer and flee. Unfortunately, my computer is still connected to the wall and I stumble as I try to yank it out by force. And while I'm preoccupied I trip over the floor fan and face-plant into the fuzzy green rug.* This is a thought that I really had. You can ask my roommate, she will testify to its truth because I was forced to tell it to her after I had spontaneously erupted in laughter.
Another problem with my mind is that it doesn't relent when I'm trying to sleep. Take now for instance, I'm sitting in bed, without anything to do but fall asleep. But here I am . . . blogging. No offense, I love writing blogs, but it isn't high on my priority list tonight. Or should I say this morning as it is now 1:00am.
One thing that does help an overly active mind is something monotonous. Something that doesn't require much thought but just enough to keep the mind from creating too much havoc. Because of this truth, I have taken up knitting! Check out my FIRST attempt:
Monday, March 23, 2009

I was finally able to see the movie this weekend. I must admit that I was quite anxious to see this movie that has caused such a stir among girls and young women (maybe even guys) all over the country.
Unfortunately, I thought the movie/story line was downright ridiculous! There were a few “good-feeling” parts like the time when he saved her life, and the other time that he saved her life, and then the end when he saved her life. I’m not sure if that sounds repetitive to you, but it sure does to me.
I actually laughed out loud at some parts because of the absurdity. My favorite line was from Edward, the leading male character; he told the leading female, Bella, that she was like his own personalized brand of heroine. (This was said to describe how tempted he was to eat her.) If I was in her shoes I definitely would have turned around and ran forever. I most assuredly would not lean in for a kiss. But that’s just me.
He is with me
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Confessions of a Shopaholic

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Stress and other random topics. . .
This first week back to school really hasn't been too bad as far as school. Unfortunately, I have contracted some sort of illness that has settled in my throat. So far it has kept me awake two nights in a row. It is most unwelcome.
On a completely random note, I went through my parent’s computer while I was at home for spring break and I found lots of old pictures! It was fun to take a jaunt down memory lane. I thought I'd share some:
Monday, March 16, 2009
Back to school
From now on I have at least one term paper, term project, test, or midterm in EVERY WEEK until finals week. Lovely.
However, with only 9 weeks left of my Freshman year of college I am determined to make the best of everything!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Time Flies
Today I managed to accomplish a nearly impossible feat: I finished my homework by 7:30pm! I am still in awe! When I finished I certainly did not want to just sit around and do nothing, and I especially did not want to start on my homework for next week. Instead, I decided to create another video. . . this one is in memory of the Greece trip. I've been thinking about it all day so I decided to make this video. (That's two in one week folks!) It is a pretty rough cut and the pictures go by quickly because I didn't want to bore you all with long dramatic pictures of ancient ruins.
Just a few notes to read BEFORE watching the video:
- As always: Turn the music off at the bottom of the page.
- Keep in mind that the man I'm posing with in about the middle of the video (in the tan sweater) was the owner of a pottery shop who told me that I must chose between him or his brother, as neither of them were married, and that I must take a picture with him and kiss him on the cheek. Wait, I mean cheeks! (As in plural) It was entirely awkward and I was fairly FREAKED out by this greasy old Grecian man who had a serious 5 0'clock shadow that was quite painful to "kiss!" However, the experience did give me an awesome story to write on my future blog!
- On a more serious note, some of these ruins were places that the apostle Paul actually walked on! I walked in Paul's footsteps. Amazing.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Past and Present
Monday, February 23, 2009
Weekend Madness
- We'll start with Friday. . . my last class was cancelled and so my weekend started at 10:30 am. I could get used to that in a HURRY! In the evening I went to the cheesecake factory with a small group of girls to celebrate Leslie's birthday. I ordered Chocolate brownie Sunday cheesecake and WOA it was rich!
- I house sat for a family friend/Professor here at Point Loma. She has an AMAZING house! It's like a museum of modern art. . . that can be lived in. Totally awesome. Aurora spent the night with me so that I wouldn't freak out by myself and we made a giant cupcake! (There is a picture of it toward the end of the video in the previous post.)
- Saturday included homework and a few trips from campus to the house and vice-versa. I got a LOT of exercise. It was great! In the evening I had a movie marathon with Sarah, Trisha, and Felisha. We watched: Juno, Forrest Gump, and We Are Marshall. . . those last two are SO SAD. My face was practically a balloon by the time I went to bed. It was sob city.
- Sunday was full of homework and studies because midterms have arrived! oh boy.
Well for some reason I feel like I'm lacking skills in the communication department right now. It's probably because it is currently 1:53am and I don't think I'm functioning at maximum capacity! So I'm going to go watch Get Smart until my shift ends. I had some contemplations to share with the world today, but they seem to have abandoned me at the moment so I guess I'll just have to write them down later.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
So I threw together this video of fun events from the last two months. (Don't forget to turn the music off at the bottom of the page before playing it!)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What a glorious day!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Contemplating Love
1. Renaming Valentines Day to Singles Awareness Day.
2. The media's amazing ability to hype everything up and turn a day of love into a day of material.
A few other ideas have popped in and out of my head as well, but when it comes down to writing. I just don't feel like writing about love. At least not human love. . .
I want to live my life with God as my first, and most important love.
That's all!
Monday, February 9, 2009
So here I sit. . . . like a bird in the wilderness?
Sometimes I wonder why God made us each unique. While it definitely shows his masterful artistry, sometimes I wonder if we were all the same, wouldn't it be so much easier to help each other out? Sometimes I'm at a loss when it comes to compassion and love. At times my own self-consciousness keeps me from selflessly loving others. I'm not so sure I'm okay with that.
Also, the acoustic radio at is the bomb, and it just stopped working. So now I feel like my world is falling apart! No acoustic radio!? You've got to be kidding me!
For the record. . . I had an entirely surreal experience today. I was simply doing my philosophy homework which is reading, of course, and I was writing a reflection paper. Suddenly, I felt like I wasn't thinking in a language. I really felt like my thoughts were in tongues because I had NO WAY of putting them on paper! It was incredibly irritating.
Another random fact: I think caffeine stimulates the imagination because I am suddenly deathly afraid of the dark. And that's bad. Because I'm sitting in a booth. In the middle of the night. In pitch. Black. Dark.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
A day at the beach. . in January!?

Friday, January 30, 2009
My Birthday!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Liar, Liar!
Anyway, I'll have to put up pictures of my adventures in a later post (which probably means never) because I'm on the computer at work and don't have access to any photos to break up my monologue, or sonnet, or epistle, or whatever this is.
The introductions to new classes have ended and I am now in full throttle mode. My days consist of school, homework, school, homework, eat, sleep, school, home. . . well you get the picture. And I really should have put reading instead of "homework" because that is what all my homework is.
The January heat-wave is over and I have a little more peace of mind. Last week I was a little disturbed by my urges to go to the beach instead of reading.
I had planned on writing about my birthday adventures, but have decided against it. It will have to wait until I can give you some visuals to go along with the narrative.
Until then!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Starting a New Semester
It is spring semester and I’ve spent the last week getting back into the school-groove. This also means that I will now have more structured time for blogging, which is definitely a top priority!
I spent my Christmas vacation mostly at home with my family doing fun things like reading some old favorite books, playing board games, and baking delicious Christmas treats. My family also made a few weekend trips, one to Hume Lake Christian Camp (see the video blog below), and another to my Aunt and Uncle’s cabin in Big Bear. Those were great family bonding times!
So far, my new classes seem challenging but do-able. I am taking: Masterpieces of World Literature (at 7:30 am!!!!!), World Civilizations 1, Philosophy, Human Development, and Sociology. Thankfully I don’t have any science labs this semester, but my time will surely be full of reading. One thing I am especially looking forward to this semester is my human development class. This class requires that I spent an hour a week at the Early Childhood Learning Center here on campus to interact and observe the behavior of 3 and 4 year olds! At first I wasn’t TOO thrilled about that idea because it meant that I have to get up an hour early on Thursdays, but on further evaluation I think it will be a highlight in my week. I’ll be able to interact with little humans that still have the innocence of childhood (that’ll be a nice reprieve from constant interaction with college students!)
Felisha and I have concocted many plans to keep some spice in our lives. Our plan is to do some fun, fairly spontaneous, and INEXPENSIVE things here in San Diego such as: exploring tide-pools, taking the trolley to Seaport Village, doing homework at the park, baking cookies in the Klassen Kitchen, etc. I’m sure we’ll make many fun memories. . . I’m looking forward to it all!