This weekend has been full-to-the-max with great things! Last night some friends and I went grocery shopping. . .for FIVE hours. Now I know what you're thinking and no, we are not that obese, we simply do not have vehicles and therefore must rely on the shuttle. (Fondly known as the shut-shut, the looser cruiser, or the Fruttle. I, however, call it the shuttle because I'm not able to call anything a name like that without causing a socially awkward situation.) Anyway, today included a Point Loma baseball game, (WE WON by 4 runs. sweet!) a hike to the beach, and another hike off campus to Pete's coffee to do homework, (teehee, yea right.) and an 8 minute ab work out. (check it out on YouTube, trust me it kills.) Now I'm sitting here blogging, which is a new form of procrastination, with an Afro of newly-blow dried hair.
I'm not sure why I felt all of this was relevant to anyone other than myself BUT as I said I felt the need to procrastinate. On to homework. . .
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