It is spring semester and I’ve spent the last week getting back into the school-groove. This also means that I will now have more structured time for blogging, which is definitely a top priority!
I spent my Christmas vacation mostly at home with my family doing fun things like reading some old favorite books, playing board games, and baking delicious Christmas treats. My family also made a few weekend trips, one to Hume Lake Christian Camp (see the video blog below), and another to my Aunt and Uncle’s cabin in Big Bear. Those were great family bonding times!
So far, my new classes seem challenging but do-able. I am taking: Masterpieces of World Literature (at 7:30 am!!!!!), World Civilizations 1, Philosophy, Human Development, and Sociology. Thankfully I don’t have any science labs this semester, but my time will surely be full of reading. One thing I am especially looking forward to this semester is my human development class. This class requires that I spent an hour a week at the Early Childhood Learning Center here on campus to interact and observe the behavior of 3 and 4 year olds! At first I wasn’t TOO thrilled about that idea because it meant that I have to get up an hour early on Thursdays, but on further evaluation I think it will be a highlight in my week. I’ll be able to interact with little humans that still have the innocence of childhood (that’ll be a nice reprieve from constant interaction with college students!)
Felisha and I have concocted many plans to keep some spice in our lives. Our plan is to do some fun, fairly spontaneous, and INEXPENSIVE things here in San Diego such as: exploring tide-pools, taking the trolley to Seaport Village, doing homework at the park, baking cookies in the Klassen Kitchen, etc. I’m sure we’ll make many fun memories. . . I’m looking forward to it all!