Thursday, October 21, 2010

October's Reading List

I love words. I love the way one can put words together to create ANYTHING! And as writing is my release, reading is my nourishment. Here are some books that I have read recently or I am currently reading:
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
I just finished this one (for the sixth time) about a week ago. It’s one of the best books around. Don’t even argue with me.

Wuthering Heights:
Emily Bronte
Okay, so I’ve partially read this one. I read {sections of} the book from beginning to end, I still can’t believe such a young and inexperienced woman could write a novel with such warped characters. It kind of creeps me out.

Just as I am
Billy Graham
I’m not very far into this autobiography, but so far it is really interesting. I remember going to a Billy Graham Crusade in Los Angeles when I was younger and the man has captured my interest ever since. What an amazing guy!

Munich Signature
Bodie Thoene
This is the third installment in Thoene’s “The Zion Covenant” series. I’ve read the first two as well. The setting is primarily in Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia, with America, England and France as smaller influences. It chronicles World War II in such a detailed and gripping way that I sometimes need to take a break from the Third Reich and read some lighter material!

Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis
This is another book that I’ve quoted and read parts of. I still haven’t made it all the way through . . . not because I find it dull! I simply seem to always become distracted with other material before I finish. :-/ But I am determined to finish it!

The Long Road Home and The Princess
Lori Wick
Hmmmm . . . these are definitely “easy reads” and fairly shallow. Wick doesn’t develop characters, plot, or setting well, which makes me wonder why I read these. I also found several grammatical errors which bugs me!

The Sacred Romance
Brent Curtis and John Eldredge
I’m only on chapter three, but I like it so far! Though, as it is of a theological nature, I’m not going to promote it until I finish reading it. . .
**Clicking on the title of the book will connect you to**


  1. I need to give Wuthering Heights another chance. I read about 75% of it, and I just hated the characters so much I couldn't finish. Not because it wasn't well-written - the characters I guess were written so well they annoyed me too much! :) I am like that when I read, hehe.

  2. That is a good way to look at it! I feel the same way about the characters and the book in general has a wild feeling to me. It's almost like I enter a morbid trance while I'm reading it. . . Weird! But if you give it another go, tell me if your opinion changes at all! (Maybe it'll inspire me to do the same!)
