Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Dear Friends and Family,
I know how difficult it will be to keep in touch with everyone while I'm at college, so I'm hoping that this blog will help me out. I'm still unsure about what I will write about, if I will treat this as a diary-type blog, an informational blog or for intellectual/analytical posts. So I guess bear with me while I figure this all out! It may be a smattering of all those options.
Thank you all for your prayers and support! I really appreciate them.


  1. Hi! NAP did you have a job B4 or is this your first Job? Have you made friends yet? Besides your Roommate? And have you had Any free time besides the like midnight hours?

  2. Yes, I did have a job before this one. I worked in a little coffee shop in my church's bookstore. I have made some friends. Mostly just the girls on my hall, and a couple others from different classes. I really haven't had that much free time, becuase I have quite a bit of homework. The work load isn't unbearable, it just takes a lot of time to keep on top of it all! Thanks for reading this Kendall! :)
    I hope you are having a wonderful time in Highschool. (Have you started school yet?)
