Friday, February 25, 2011

Freedom or Bondage?

As a kid, I remember looking up to those in my life who were young adults. I had many cousins and family friends who were living in that phase of life and I thought they were definitely the coolest people around. They could go out with friends, they could drive, they could have jobs, they didn’t have to do chores (at least I didn’t see their chore lists on the refrigerator,) and I was sure that they were living a life of complete freedom.
Now I find myself in this phase of life. I can go out with friends, I can drive, I have a job, I don’t have to do chores (if I don’t mind living in a slum), but somehow I am not living a life of complete freedom. Were my thoughts as a child so incorrect? Yes. Yes they were.

My childhood mind did not contemplate one little factor: responsibility. It seems to increase with age. {Maybe it’ll level off at some point? Maybe not.} I suppose I didn’t take into account that moving toward independence isn’t the easiest thing. I didn’t realize that eventually mom and dad wouldn’t be responsible for bailing me out. {Okay, that statement is a little premature because they definitely have and do bail me out regularly.}

Responsibilities seem to equate to bondage in life. While I have more freedoms as an individual, I also have more bondage in responsibility.

{Feeling a little disillusioned today.}
<-- This happened to me today. :-(

Monday, February 21, 2011

Welcome Home Flashmob

LOVE these things!!!

A hike

A fun President's Day hike.
 The Desert can actually be beautiful.

 Just having fun. :-)
It's so great to be HOME!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Adria and I each have robust collections of tea. Combine them, and our collection is outlandishly huge. We have an entire piece of furniture dedicated to the display of it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

May it be

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. (Romans 8:26) 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Teacher, When is recess?

*This post was written -but not posted- on February 5, 2011*

I have many snap-shot memories of Kindergarten. Sitting on the multi-colored rug in the middle of the classroom, listening to Mrs. Bamford read a book, watching a boy in my class (I don’t remember his name) squirm all over the place because he was tired of sitting, looking over at a girl named Suzie, who I wanted to be like. I remember the overwhelming feeling of restlessness—not because Mrs. Bamford was a poor teacher, but because I couldn’t wait to do something else. I wanted craft time, recess, snack time, or nearly any other activity than sitting on that rug.

 I hope I'm a little more mature than that little kindergarten girl, but It seems I'm still very much the same.  I still want to move on to the next phase, stage, whatever you want to call it. I want to be done with the present because honestly, the present just seems overwhelming. There are too many thoughts, too many things to process, sort through, and organize into cohesive ideas in the present. Sometimes, I just want to raise my hand and ask “Teacher, can I go to recess now?”

It's the simple things